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FRVALC Educational Offerings 2021
This page contains information and links to educational offerings in the Fox Valley that might be relevant to FRVALC members.
Fall Meeting - 2021
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2021 11 - 11:30 am - Discussion of selected Web Videos
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom. Michele M. will send you the meeting link after you RSVP.
Watch either or both videos on better posters BEFORE our Zoom meeting on November 4, and be ready to discuss your experience with posters (your own or helping other people create posters). Since we are not meeting in person, we will not be taking time to watch the videos during our meeting.
Better Research Posters
Chances are you've either presented a poster at a conference, or visited poster sessions as an attendee. Sometimes it goes well and you get ideas to bring back to your institution. Sometimes no one visits your poster and you feel like it was a waste of time.
NEJM JournalWatch wrote about this in a blog post:
The Problem with Research Posters — and a Bold Approach to Fixing Them.
- Goal #1 - maximize insight
- Goal #2 - keep the good stuff
- Goal #3 - make it easy
The examples in the last half of the video show a simple way to pare down your poster and make it more understandable and quicker to engage with.
And now for Generation 2:
Mike Morrison, the creator of Better Posters, recently updated his video with a Generation 2 version that goes deeper into the research behind user experience for making better conference posters.
Morrison offers 2 cardinal rules for making better posters:
- Don't include anything on your poster that people will ignore.
- People ignore most things.
Yes-- He includes the references and templates for the recommended formats.
FRVALC Educational Offerings 2020
This page contains information and links to educational offerings in the Fox Valley that might be relevant to FRVALC members.
Fall Meeting - 2020
Date: Wednesday, Sept 16, 2020 11 am - 12 noon Discussion of selected Web Videos
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom. Michele M. will send you the meeting link after you RSVP.
Please watch the videos BEFORE the Zoom meeting. Since we are not meeting in person, we will NOT be taking time to watch these videos during the mtg.
1) Stopping Pandemics, An Exclusive National Geographic Event w/ Dr. Fauci & Other Experts [1 hr 14 min.] Aug 13, 2020
2) Matthew McConaughey QnA with Dr. Anthony Fauci [42 min.] | Interview on Instagram Live from Aug 15, 2020
These videos do not offer MLA CEUs.
FRVALC Educational Opportunities
This page contains information and links to educational offerings in the Fox Valley that might be relevant to FRVALC members.
Copyright, Fair Use and Creative Commons: Allies in Educational Settings
Link to Recording (about 1 hour)
Is copyright automatic? When is Fair Use, well, fair? Does a Creative Commons license grant unlimited use of the work?
Determining whether you have the rights to use an article, image, video, or table can take some of the fun out of developing a presentation, class, or course. In this session, you will be introduced to a practical framework for understanding what can be copyrighted and what can’t be with some typical scenarios librarians and educators encounter. You will also learn about where and in what context Fair Use applies, the different types of Creative Commons licenses, and how those licenses can help minimize copyright risk.
Presenter: Ben Harnke is an Education and Reference Librarian at the University of Colorado Strauss Health Sciences Library. He teaches a well-attended copyright class and is leading the Open Educational Resource initiative on the Anschutz Medical Campus.
New PubMed: Highlights for Info Professionals
Link to the recording (about 1 hour)
In this webinar for librarians and other information professionals Marie Collins from the National Library of Medicine demonstrates the new, modern PubMed. This webinar was held on Friday, September 20th, 2019. Key points from the webinar are below. Common questions and answers from all of the five offerings of this webinar are available. See also the transcript.
- The new PubMed is currently available for testing at PubMed Labs.
- The new PubMed is richly featured, including Advanced Search, Search details, Search history, filters, My NCBI, links from MeSH, and more. Try it out!
- NLM will officially announce the new PubMed in October. The new PubMed will be the default system in early 2020.
- Once the new PubMed system is the default, all links to PubMed will be redirected and run in the new system. This includes searches from the MeSH Database, the NLM Catalog, Clinical Queries, the Single Citation Matcher, and the Batch Citation Matcher.
- Our legacy PubMed system will be available for some months following the launch.
- The new PubMed boasts some great new display, navigation and output features in a truly responsive design that facilitates mobile access, including to the full text when available from the publisher, PMC or your library (via Outside Tool).
- Best search practices are the same as with the legacy system:
- To find articles by topic, enter your words or phrases into the search box without quotation marks or fancy syntax (e.g., treatment incidental adenocarcinoma). Let PubMed’s term mapping and always-improving retrieval algorithms do the work for you. Your best matches will be at the top of your results.
- To find articles by citation, enter the citation elements you have (author, title words, journal, volume, year, etc.) and let PubMed’s citation sensor find the article for you (e.g., neale science 2019).
- To find articles by author, search the author’s last name and initials (e.g., fagerness j).
- To find articles by journal, use the complete journal title, ISSN or title abbreviation (e.g., lancet oncol).
- Improvements to retrieval include enhanced synonymy, addition of plural forms, better British/American translations, and unlimited truncation. Try your searches in PubMed Labs now.
- PubMed will be continually improved over time, informed by usage and your feedback.
[Re-posted from The National Library of Medicine's Training Resources.]
Demystifying RA21 with Stick Figures
(5 min. video)
When : December 6, 2019 1 - 3:30 pm [Includes Pre- and Post- discussion]
Where: FVTC - Appleton Campus, Library - Room G113 E
Please RSVP to Michele Matucheski at or 920-223-0340
CE Offering - 2018
Putting the Quality in Qualitative: Tips for Evaluating Qualitative Research
(MLA Webcast)
Think qualitative research is hard to evaluate for scientific rigor? Think again! This webinar will develop your skills in identifying the quality in qualitative studies and help you appreciate the value of qualitative research. You will get an overview of qualitative research study designs, learn criteria used to evaluate qualitative research, and develop your skills in quickly reading qualitative research article abstracts to evaluate the quality of a design. You will have the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience in evaluating qualitative research, and you will be invited to work on sample case studies during the session.
Learning Outcomes / Objectives
By the end of the webinar, you will be able to:
* identify advantages and disadvantages of qualitative approaches
* identify the types of research questions that qualitative approaches can address
* list the criteria used to evaluate qualitative research designs (e.g., reliability and accuracy, potential sources of bias)
* describe the defining features of qualitative approaches (e.g., interviews, focus groups, and participant-observations)
* select tools to evaluate the quality of qualitative research studies
All health information professionals with little or no knowledge of qualitative research.
Susan A. LaValley is an Institutional Research Training Grant (T32) National Research Service Award postdoctoral research fellow at the University at Buffalo Primary Care Research Institute, Department of Family Medicine. She has authored or coauthored a number of qualitative studies on caregiver social support and caregiver health information-seeking behaviors.
Registration Information
Length: 1.5 hour webinar
Original Air Date/Time: Thursday, September 13, 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m., central time
Technical information: After you have registered, go to My Learning in MEDLIB-ED to access the live webinar, resources, evaluation, and certificate.
Register, participate, and earn 1.5 MLA continuing education (CE) contact hours. [Michele will get codes for WHSLA members who wants CE credit.]
When : Friday, October 26, 2018 1:00-3:30 pm [Includes Pre- and Post- discussion]
Where : Cofrin Library, Room CL125D at UW-Green Bay
Please RSVP to Michele Matucheski at or 920-223-0340
This program is being sponsored in The Fox Valley by The Wisconsin Health Science Library Association (WHSLA) and FRVALC.