Writing for Publication: Identifying Potential Journals & Avoiding Predatory Publishers
Writing for Publication - Navigation
Overview | Identifying Potential Journals & Avoiding Predatory Publishers | How to Identify Peer-Reviewed Journals | Open Access | ORCHID | Meeting Abstracts / Conference Presentations | Posters | Citation Tools: Mendeley and Zotero | Measuring Research Impact
- Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it?
- Must enter the title and/or abstract of the paper in the box, and click on 'Find journals', 'Find authors' or 'Find Articles'.
- Jane will then compare your document to millions of documents in PubMed to find the best matching journals, authors or articles.
How to Find a Journal to Publish in:
Try searching for the topic of your article in a relevant database to see where related articles in your field have been published.
In addition, consider the following tools :
Think, Check, Submit [Video]
This quick video talks about the three main steps of submitting work for publication: think about where you should publish, check out the venue against certain criteria, and then submit!
- Click on the ACRL logo above to access ACRL's Evaluating Journals Toolkit
- Provides considerations for determining Journal Quality
- Link to a checklist to support evaluation of Journal Quality
- Links to additional tools and websites that help determine Journal Quality
Evaluating Journal Quality
Where NOT to Publish:
If you're trying to determine where NOT to publish your research, the following links can be very helpful.
Publishing with predatory publishers can be detrimental to your scholarly impact and your career.
- Cabell's A-Z of Predatory Publishing
- The A-Zs of issues and indicators of predatory publishing. Use this A-Z list to brush up on things to consider when evaluating a journal for publication.
- Learn more about Predatory Publishing and How to Avoid It - Missouri University Libraries