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Librarian's Corner: Continuing Education

This Guide is filled with tools to make the lives of Ascension Wisconsin Library Staff easier.

Librarian's Corner: Navigation

Home   |   Acquisitions, ILL & Cataloging Tools   |    Continuing Education   |  Health Science Library Mgt   |   Handouts & Paper Forms   |   Library Outreach / Marketing  / Advocacy  |  Medical Reference   |  For Library Staff Only - Archived Stuff   |  eTOC Service - How-to-Do-It Manual for AscWi Librarians   |   AW HSL Strategic Planning    |  Bookmarks

Giving Back to the Profession

MEDLIB-ED (MLA Education)

These are not free, but you can usually find a sponsoring organization (WHSLA or a state Resource Library) or ask the NNLM if they have extra codes they will share.
