Ascension Wisconsin Library Services
Michele Matucheski, MLIS, AHIP - Medical Librarian
Kellee Selden, MLIS - Library Manager
Getting to AW Library Services via Good Day Ascension.
Where to find AW Library Resources in EPIC
About Ascension Wisconsin Library Services
- Welcome
- Columbia-St. Marys (CSM / SE Wisconsin - WIMIL)
- Mercy Library / Fox Valley (NE Wisconsin - WIAPP)
- Wheaton-Franciscan (SE Wisconsin - WIGLE)
- Not from Wisconsin?
Ascension Wisconsin Library Services : The Best Evidence for Informed Health Decisions.
Getting to AW Library Services via Good Day Ascension.
Contact Your Ascension Wisconsin Librarians:
> If you need immediate assistance, contact one of the AW Librarians directly.
Welcome to Ascension Wisconsin Library Services - Library Resources to Make Your Work Life Easier
- Library Research / Expert Searching
- Getting Articles and Finding Fulltext
- Orientation to Library Services
- Training to use Library Resources (including specific databases, orientations etc.)
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Citation Help - Documentation and References for Policies, Protocols, etc.
- Building Audience/Subject-Specific Guides / Research Guides /Tool Boxes
Remote Access to AW Library Resources via OpenAthens
Remote Access to AW Library Resources via Citrix
Kellee Selden, MLIS, MI
Ascension Wisconsin - Library Manager
Working from Home Monday - Friday
Available on site as needed and by appointment at the following locations:
- Columbia St. Mary's
- St. Joseph's Hospital in Milwaukee
Email Voice : 414-585-1626
Columbia-St. Mary's Library -- FAQs
Q: What are the Library Hours at CSM in Milwaukee?
The physical Library at CSM closed this summer. However ...
The WI Librarians and AW Library Services are STILL HERE for CSM!
We recycled over 6 tons of the outdates CSM print collection.
The WI Librarians - Michele Matucheski and Kellee Selden - are still here to assist you with all your Library requests.
In the past year, we filled over 1270 requests for
- Literature Searches
- Articles
- Inter Library Loan articles
- Info for presentations
- Department Projects (PICO Questions)
- Policy Updates ... and MORE
We would be happy to help you too. Contact us at
The AW Library Website
Q: I can't get remote access to AW Library resources through the Ascension VPNs. What are my other options?
A: Remote Access to AW Library Resources via OpenAthens
Or Try Citrix for WIMIL / CSM More info ...
Q: Where can I find BLS, ACLS, and other CPR manuals?
As of June 2019, The Ascension Wisconsin Libraries no longer circulate BLS / ACLS / or PALS books for the following reasons:
- The new online program does not follow what's in the old print books. Thus, they contain out-dated information and may lead people astray.
- The most up-to-date versions of the text are contained within the online program.
- Life Support / Librarians are not on site to keep track of these books. Many books are never returned, or disappear without ever being checked out.
- The print books are no longer being purchased by Life Support.
- They are costly to replace.
- If you really want the print book, we recommend you purchase your own copy through Amazon or other book supplier. You'll get a better price than Ascension did.
- Buy the current BLS Student Manual (c2020) from The American Heart Association. ISBN 9781616697686
- Buy the current ACLS Student Manual (c2020) from The American Heart Association. ISBN 9781616697723
- The STABLE App is available for $25.
Q: Where can I get an NRP Manual?
NRP Manuals are no longer available through Ascension Libraries. We are transitioning from the 7th edition to the 8th edition. As of Jan 1, 2022, we will only be using the 8th edition.
- Each site is responsible for purchasing their own books and then each site has its own process for distributing the books to the 3 areas that need to review (L&D, M/B and NICU). The nurse should be able to contact a supervisor in the OB area who can direct them on where and how to get a book.
Q: Does the Library check out TNCC Provider Manuals?
A: No. Please see our Blog for additional information.
Michele Matucheski,MLS, AHIP
Medical Librarian
Email Voice : 920-223-0340
Docline Code : WIUMMO
FAQ for the Mercy Hospital Medical Library
500 S. Oakwood Rd., Oshkosh, WI 54904
Q: What are the Library Hours at The Mercy Library in Oshkosh?
- 8 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.
- After hours access for associates and physicians by key fob 24/7. Or show Security your badge and they will let you in.
Q: What is the AIT Help Desk phone number for Mercy / WIAPP?
A: (877) 640-1416 OR for non-urgent requests. More info ...
Q: I can't get remote access to AW Library resources through the Ascension VPNs. What are my other options?
A: Remote Access to AW Library Resources via OpenAthens
Or try Citrix for WIAPP / Fox Valley More info ...
Q: Where is the EPIC Chart Correction Workstation in the Mercy Library?
A: In the Mercy Library Computer Lab, the EPIC Chart Correction workstation is nearest the whiteboard, along the aisle. There is a sign marking that workstation for EPIC Chart Correction.
If you have problems making corrections in EPIC, contact Lee Ann Spoehr in HIM for help: 920-850-8123(cell).
Q: Where can I find a BLS/ ACLS/ PALS book?
A: As of June 2019, The Ascension Wisconsin Libraries no longer circulate BLS / ACLS / or PALS books for the following reasons:
- The new online program does not follow what's in the old print books. Thus, they contain out-dated information and may lead people astray.
- The most up-to-date versions of the text are contained within the online program.
- Life Support / Librarians are not on site to keep track of these books. Many books are never returned, or disappear without ever being checked out.
- The print books are no longer being purchased by Life Support.
- They are costly to replace.
- If you really want the print book, we recommend you purchase your own copy through Amazon or other book supplier. You'll get a better price than Ascension did.
- Buy the current BLS Student Manual (c2020) from The American Heart Association. ISBN 9781616697686
- Buy the current ACLS Student Manual (c2020) from The American Heart Association. ISBN 9781616697723
- Buy the current PALS Provider Manual (c2020) from The American Heart Association.
- Also known as The Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation.
NRP Manuals are no longer available through Ascension Libraries. We are transitioning from the 7th edition to the 8th edition. As of Jan 1, 2022, we will only be using the 8th edition.
- Each hospital site is responsible for purchasing their own books and then each site has its own process for distributing the books to the 3 areas that need to review (L&D, M/B and NICU). The nurse should be able to contact a supervisor in the OB area who can direct them on where and how to get a book.
Q: Where do I get STABLE Manuals in The Fox Valley?
- Similar to the NRP answer above, each department requiring / offering this class is responsible for making the study materials available. In the Fox Valley, contact Heather Menting in the NICU at St Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton.
- The STABLE App is available for $25.
How do I ...? Where do I find ...?
Nursing Specialties LibGuide (about)- Includes current AORN and ASPAN Guidelines
- Ministry Health Care A-Z List (eJournals & eBooks) [ARCHIVED]
- Journals Holdings on-the-shelf (in print) at Mercy (2024 ed.)
Q: Something is wrong with a library computer. How do I get help?
- Call the Ascension Information Services Help Desk at 9-1-877-640-1416 OR 9-1-920-628-9400.
Reserving space in the Mercy Library
- The rooms in the Mercy Library are used on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Occasionally, the computer lab can be reserved. Contact the Mercy Librarian directly about this.
- Ascension Health Care does NOT offer institutional access to UptoDate, simply because the cost is so expensive. We do offer Ascension-wide access to DynaMed, a comparable physician point-of-care tool Library Services does offer reasonable alternatives such as Clinical Key's Clinical Overviews and Medscape.
- For those who insist on having UptoDate, Providers are encouraged to use some of their annual allotted CME money to purchase a personal subscription.
Kellee Selden, MLIS, MI
Ascension Wisconsin - Library Manager
Working from Home Monday - Friday
Available on site as needed and by appointment at the following locations:
- Columbia St. Mary's
- St. Joseph's Hospital in Milwaukee (WFHC) Voice : 414-447-2174
Email Voice : 414-585-1626
Although the physical space for The All Saints Library in Racine has closed, we still provide full library services for ALL Ascension Associates in Wisconsin.
St. Joseph Hospital Medical Library -- FAQs
Q: I can't get remote access to AW Library resources through the Ascension VPNs. What are my other options?
A: Remote Access to AW Library Resources via OpenAthens
Or try Citrix for WIGLE / WFHC More info ...
Q: What are the Library Hours at St. Joseph's Hospital Library in Milwaukee?
A: 8 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday. Access is by key card 24/7. The St. Joe's Library is not staffed.
Q: Is there a restroom in the library?
A: No. The nearest restrooms are located in the hospital hallway.
Q: There's no one at the Library Reference Desk. How do I check out a book?
A: There is a self-checkout procedure on the Reference Desk.
Q: How do I check out a BLS, ACLS, NRP, STABLE, PALS manual?
- Virtual copies are available in the online classes, therefore we do not provide print copies anymore.
- Departments may have print copies available for staff to use, but this is not a guarantee.
- You may purchase print copies at your own expense.
- The STABLE App is available for $25.
Q: Where can I get an NRP Manual?
- Also known as The Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation.
NRP Manuals are no longer available through Ascension Libraries. We are transitioning from the 7th edition to the 8th edition. As of Jan 1, 2022, we will only be using the 8th edition.
- Each hospital site is responsible for purchasing their own books and then each site has its own process for distributing the books to the 3 areas that need to review (L&D, M/B and NICU). The nurse should be able to contact a supervisor in the OB area who can direct them on where and how to get a book.
Q: Does the Library check out TNCC Provider Manuals?
A: No. Please see our Blog for additional information.
Q: Where can I return my library book?
A: Use the book drop return (underneath the paper cutter) located to your left as you enter the library.
Q: Are there headphones that I can use in the library?
A: Yes. They are in the bottom drawer of the tall, white cabinet to the right of the library reference desk as long (as people don't continue to break or steal them).
Q: I'm using a computer in the library. Can I print to a library printer?
A: Yes, there is a printer between the 4 computers.
Q: Something's wrong with a library computer or printer. How do I get help?
A: Please call Ascension Information Technologies (AIT) Help Desk at 844-587-4357
OR for non-urgent requests. More info ...
Q: How do I reserve the Library Conference Room?
A: You will need to contact the St. Joseph Hospital Hospitality department. Their phone number is 414-447-2113.
Many of our library resources are licensed for Ascension Wisconsin, and won't work for those not part of our local ministry.
If you are NOT part of Ascension Wisconsin, try the national Ascension Library Services webpage to:
- See what online resources are available to ALL Ascension Associates.
- Connect with Ascension Library Services at your local ministry.
If none of these scenarios apply to you (MOSTL), contact Kellee Selden.